Revista de Investigación Talentos Volumen V. (1) Enero –
Junio 2018
ISSN Impreso: 1390-8197 ISSN Digital: 2631-2476
Carpio-Arias TanniaValeria1,2, Ramos-Padilla
Patricio1,3, Delgado-López Verónica1, Villavicencio-Barriga
Veronica1, Carpio-Salas José Gabriel,4, Morejón-Terán Yadira5
1Public Health Research Group, University
of Alicante-Spain
2Research Group
on Food and Human Nutrition (GIANH), Superior Polytechnic School of Chimborazo
(ES- POCH), Riobamba- Ecuador.
Program in nutrition.
Posgaduate school National Agrarian
University “La Molina”.
4Department of Languages, Superior Polytechnic School
of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Riobamba-Ecuador.
of Collective Health, Federal University of Bahía. Salvador, Bahía-Brazil.
Abstract: Main: The aim of this study was to evaluate the
nutritional status, dietary intake, physical activity and eating disorders of adolescents in a population
from the Andean region of Ecuador and
compare differences between urban and rural areas. Materials and
methods: This was a cross-sec- tional study (n = 131). 24-hour
recall, anthropometry, physical activity
and risk of eating disorder ques- tionnaires were collected. Results: 19.1% of the population had short stature by age, and 17.6% risk of overweight according to BMI/Age.
Adequate macronutrient percentages
throughout the population
were low (66.5% carbohydrate, 60.5% protein and 79.8% fat). Statistically significant differences were found between protein (p = 0.012), fats (p <0.001) carbohydrates (p = 0.013)
and energy (p <0.001) according to the zones; (urban areas showed higher consumption compared to rural areas). Conclu- sions:
The study found that diet of
adolescents differs according to the
geographical area with poorer diets consumed in rural areas.
Keywords: Diet, adolescents, eating disorders, urban, rural.
Resumen: Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio
fue evaluar el estado nutricional, la ingesta dietética, la actividad física y los trastornos alimentarios de los adolescentes en una población
de la región an-
dina de Ecuador y comparar
las diferencias entre las áreas urbanas y
rurales. Materiales y métodos: este fue un estudio transversal (n = 131).
Se recogieron los cuestionarios de 24 horas de recordación, antropometría, actividad física y riesgo de trastorno alimentario. Resultados: el 19.1% de la población
tenía estatura baja por edad y el 17.6% de riesgo de sobrepeso según el IMC / edad. Los porcentajes
de adecuación de macronutrientes
en toda la población fueron bajos
(66,5% de carbohidratos, 60,5% de proteínas y 79,8% de grasas). Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre proteína
Recibido: 9 de abril de 2018
Aceptado: 31 de mayo de 2018
Publicado como artículo científco en Revista de Investigación Talentos V(1) 84-93
(p = 0.012), grasas (p <0.001) carbohidratos (p = 0.013)
y energía (p <0.001) según las zonas;
(las áreas urbanas mostraron
un mayor consumo en comparación con las áreas rurales). Conclusiones: El estudio
encontró que la dieta de los adolescentes difiere según el área geográfica, las dietas más pobres se con-
sumen en las áreas rurales.
clave: Dieta, adolescentes, desórdenes alimenticios, urbano, rural.
Ecuador, adolescents represent 19.3%
of the population according to the 2010 census (INEC,
2017) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescence is defined as
the period of life between the ages of 11 to 19, a period which is characterized by many physical, physiological and
psychological changes in which a child becomes an adult
(Chulani, 2014; WHO,
2016). During this period, adolescents
gain up to 50% of their adult weight, 50% of their adult skeletal mass and
growth stops. This transition
requires an adapta- tion of the factors that allow to
the adolescent to develop all the organic
functions with normality (Chulani, 2014; Maiti 2011).
addition, there is a change in body compo- sition according to sex (increase in
lean mass in males and fat mass in females). Accelerated phys- ical growth during puberty requires
an increase in daily energy of both macro and micronutrients (Marugán
de Miguel Sanz, 2010).
Nutrition is crucial for the development and growth of human
beings from the moment of conception and throughout their
lives, according to the Minis- try of Public Health of Ecuador. Like most coun- tries in the region, the
population shows simulta- neously deficits and nutritional excesses,
problems that can be grouped into three categories: delay in height, micronutrient deficiency, and overweight and obesity (Freire, 2013). In recent
decades, Ec- uador has undergone significant demographic and
socioeconomic changes in the supply and market- ing of food, all changes that
have probably influ- enced the quality of food and dietary preferences of
Ecuadorians (Freire, 2013).
Nutritional transition is a process
that is character-
ized by changes in eating behaviour that are ob- served in a country
at a time of economic
sion. The main change observed is the replacement of traditional foods with processed foods, gener-
ally high in fat and sodium (Drewnowski, 1997;
Popkin, 2012). Food patterns are modified by dif-
ferent factors: psychological, social, economic, friends, purchasing power, urbanization, etc. that continue in the future. Adolescence from a nutri- tional point of view is a
vulnerable stage for sev- eral reasons, such as omission
of foods, increase in consumption of foods rich in
sugar, and sugars, body
dissatisfaction especially in women, diets with dietary restrictions, among others (Guidetti,
2016, Salam, 2016).
In the Andean countries, as well as in Ecuador, im- portant data have been found reflecting about the high
prevalence of malnutrition in children espe- cially in rural areas (Freire,
2014, Iannotti, 2017). Diet can influence the health status
of adolescents. This study
aims to evaluate
nutritional status, food consumption, physical activity and
eating disor- ders of adolescents from a population of the Ande- an
region of Ecuador and differences between the urban and
rural areas.
A. Study design and study population
cross-sectional study was carried out between
September 2015, and March 2016 with 131 ado- lescents of both sexes,
aged between 10 to 18 years
old, who live in the urban and rural areas in the province of Chimborazo,
Ecuador. Sampling was
non-probabilistic. Data from adolescents were first
collected in the urban areas and then rural adoles- cents were matched
by age and sex. Students
from the urban zone were from the canton Riobamba, Captain Edmundo
Chiriboga High school
and from the rural zone from the Guano canton, San Andrés Parish, San Andrés National High school.
All the parents, and adolescents participating in the
were informed about the procedures and the privacy of the study, and they signed an informed consent
form. Exclusion criteria: Pregnant
ado- lescents and teenagers with some pathology relat- ed to nutritional components and affecting nutrient
intake were excluded.
B. Nutritional status:
Gender, date of birth, weight
and height, anthropo- metric measurements were taken
according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- vey (NANHES, 2007) The weight was taken using
a “SECA “ measuring scale, with the minimum amount of clothing, with a reading
range from 0 to
kg and an accuracy of 100 grams, height was measured with an inextensible rigid
wall height meter of 60 to 210 cm, with
a precision of 0.1 cm. Using
the Anthro Plus V-14.1 (WHO, 2011) pro-
gram, the Z-score of the Body Mass Index kg/m2 for age (BAZ) and height-for-age (HAZ) were cal-
Assessment of energy intake and macronutri- ents:
order to determine the energy intake,
the fol- lowing were determined: a) Food habits through
a 24-hour recall for a weekday, energy and mac-
ronutrient calculations were then performed using the Composition Table of Ecuadorian Foods, ob-
taining the amounts of energy (Kcal.), Macro (gr.) and micronutrients (mgr.) Adequacy was calcu- lated according to
the recommendations for mac- ronutrients and energy of the National Institute of Medicine of the United States (Food and Nutrition Board, 2005) according to age
and sex.
D. Risk assessment of eating disorders and levels of physical activity.
To evaluate the risk of eating disorders, the SCOFF questionnaire
(Morgan, 1999; Rueda, 2005) was used.
This instrument rates five questions: Do you have the feeling of being sick because you feel your stomach so full that you find it uncomfortable? Are
you worried that you have to control how much you eat? Have you recently lost more than 6Kgs
weight over a period of three months? Do you think you’re fat even though
others say you’re too thin? Would you say that food dominates your life?
It is rated with a point for affirmative answers and zero for negative answers,
to obtain the final score. If the final score is 0-1 there is no risk of having an eating disorder, while if => 2 there is a risk of
having an eating disorder. To assess the level of
physical activity of adolescents, the questionnaire,
IPAQ-A (Kowalski, 2004) was used, consisting of 9 questions about sports and
games, physical activities at school or in their free time. Each ques-
tion scores 1 point (did not practice
any activity) to 5 points
(practiced every day of the week) and the final score is evaluated
with the average of the questions establishing a range from very sedentary
to very active (from 1 to 5): 1 = very sedentary;
2 = sedentary; 3 = moderately active; 4 = active;
and 5 = very active.
All the data were collected by trained personnel (students
on the Nutrition and
Dietetics course at the School of Public Health, Superior Polytechnic School of
E. Statistical analysis
The z scores for HAZ and BAZ were calculated in
WHO Anthro Plus software version
10.4 (WHO,
2011). Data are presented as: overage,
standard deviation, 95% confidence intervals, and/or
per- centages, the
statistical analysis of the variables was performed with the student T test, the statis- tical significance for all cases was assumed when the p-value was <0.05.
The mentioned data were calculated with the statistics software STATA, ver- sion 14 (Stata, 2014).
total of 131 adolescents of both sexes living in the urban (N = 64) and rural (n = 67)
areas in the province of Chimborazo-Ecuador were evaluat-
ed. The youngest were 10 years old and the oldest
17.89 years old at the time
of the survey.
Nutritional status or nutritional assessment:
19.1% and 9.2% of adolescents (total sample) pre-
sented low HAZ and very low HAZ respectively.
presented risk of overweight and 4.6% had very high weight as a function of the
BAZ (data not presented in the Tables). The mean weight and height of adolescents in the
urban area were higher than those of students
from the rural area (p
<0.001). However, the mean BAZ was higher
rural adolescents than in urban
areas (p = 0.009), a
HAZ was found among adolescents in rural areas than in urban areas. (p <0.001).
No statisti- cally significant differences were found in BAZ in urban and rural
areas. (Table 1)
Physical activity level:
The study found 58% of adolescents to be sed- entary according
to the IPAQ-A survey applied (95% CI 49.3-66.3). No adolescents
with “active” or “very active” levels of physical activity were found. Statistically
significant differences were found between the levels of physical
activity of adolescents in urban areas (less activity) compared
Mean |
Urban |
Rural |
P-value |
SD |
Mean |
SD |
Age. Years |
14.6 |
0.67 |
14.3 |
0.69 |
0.563 |
Weight. Kg |
53.6 |
12.18 |
44.7 |
8.58 |
0.000 |
Height. Cm |
157.1 |
11.90 |
148.2 |
8.27 |
0.000 |
BMI. kg/m2 |
20.2 |
4.05 |
21.8 |
2.59 |
0.009 |
BMI/age z-score |
0.5 |
1.14 |
0.2 |
0.81 |
0.034 |
z-score |
0.6 |
0.67 |
1.9 |
2.09 |
0.036 |
Geographical area |
Very Low Height (%) |
Low Height (%) |
Low height alert (%) |
Normal (%) |
P-value |
Rural |
83.3 |
80.0 |
55.6 |
35.5 |
<0.001 |
Urban |
16.7 |
20.0 |
44.4 |
64.5 |
Geographical area |
Low weight alert (%) |
Normal (%) |
Overweight risk (%) |
High weight alert (%) |
High weight
(%) |
P- value |
Rural |
40.0 |
58.3 |
34.8 |
16.7 |
0.0 |
0.072 |
Urban |
60.0 |
41.7 |
65.2 |
83.3 |
100.0 |
Physical activity level |
Mean |
SD |
IC 95% |
Rural (%) |
Urban (%) |
P-value |
Very sedentary |
32.1 |
0.04 |
(24.55-40.63) |
33.3 |
66.7 |
0.000 |
Sedentary |
58.0 |
0.43 |
(49.29-66.26) |
40.4 |
59.6 |
Moderately Active |
9.9 |
0.03 |
(5.80-16.44) |
82.4 |
17.7 |
Food consumption:
The average consumption of the entire population was 239.4g of carbohydrates 52.7 gr of proteins and
55.7 gr fat. The average energy consumption was
1670 Kcal with a minimum of 704 Kcal and a maxi-
mum of 2918 Kcal. A comparison between energy
and macronutrient consumption was performed in the urban and rural areas, with
signifi- cant differences between protein (p = 0.012), fats (p <0.001), carbohydrates
(p = 0.013), and energy
(p <0.001) according to
con- sumption, always
in the
area compared to
the rural). There were no statistically significant
in energy intake (p = 0.698), carbohy-
drates (p = 0.621),
fats (p = 0.542) and proteins (p =
0.297) among boys and girls. The participants were
asked about
of product used
to sweeten their food and drinks from the following
white sugar,
brown sugar,
(cane sugar) and artificial sweetener. White sugar was reported by
(IC95% 71.85.5).
There are statistically significant differences
in the consumption
of sweeteners with
respect to
zo- nes: in the rural areas, no artificial sweeteners are consumed, and there is a greater consumption of
brown sugar and cane
with respect
to the urban area (p=0,005). The
83.2% of adolescents reported that they drink water
every day
(95% CI 75.7-88.7), however, 61.8% reported that
they drink less than three glasses per day and only 3.1%
7-8 glasses
per day.
No statistically significant differences
were found
habit of
drinking water between both
zones. The
25.9% of adolescents reported having breakfast
every day "Always",
71.8% had breakfast "sometimes". 82.4% of adolescents
in ru- ral areas always have breakfast (p<0.001) (Table 2).
Food Consumption (g) Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Carbohydrates |
239.4 |
82.2 40.7 |
481.3 |
Protein |
52.8 |
27.8 16.4 |
293.0 |
Fat |
55.7 |
28.2 14.6 |
230.0 |
Energy |
1670.2 |
496.9 704.4 |
2918.4 |
Macronutrient consumption |
Rural |
Urban |
P-value |
Mean (IC 95%) |
Mean (IC 95%) |
Carbohydrates (gr) |
222.2 (200.98 -
243.50) |
257.5(239.23 - 275.69) |
0,013 |
Fats (gr) |
48.5 (42.82 - 54.14) |
63.3(55.49 - 71.020) |
0.001 |
Proteins (gr) |
46. 8 (42.10 - 51.46) |
59.0(50.63 - 67.45) |
0,012 |
(Kcal) |
1512.4 (396.23 - 1628.63) |
1835.3(1718.73- 1951.88) |
<0,001 |
Food practices |
% (IC 95%) |
Rural (%) |
Urban (%) |
P-value |
A) Use of
sweeteners |
White sugar |
79.4(71.50-85.54) |
43.3 |
56.7 |
0.005 |
Brown sugar |
12.9(8.17-19.99) |
82.4 |
17.7 |
Cane sugar |
6.1(3.05-1.18 |
75.0 |
25.0 |
Artificial sweeteners |
1.5(0.37-6.00) |
0.0 |
100.0 |
b) Drinkin
water |
No |
16.8(11.26-24.30) |
40.9 |
59.1 |
0.292 |
Yes |
83.2(75.70-88.74) |
53.2 |
46.8 |
c) Have breakfast |
Never |
2.3(0.73-6.96) |
33.3 |
66.7 |
0.000 |
Sometimes |
71.8(63.34-78.88) |
40.4 |
59.6 |
Always |
25.9(19.09-34.24) |
82.3 |
17.65 |
A percentage of
was also calculated be-
tween the energy
found in the diets of
adolescents in this
study and the re- commended values for the population between 10 and 18 years according to the Institute of Medicine
of the United States, was deficient for all of them:
energy (kcal), the percentage of
was 67.8%, for proteins 70.4%, fat 79.8%, and car-
60.5%. (Figure 1).
Risk Assessment of Eating
Figure 1. Percentage
of adolescent energy
ade- quacy compared to
According to
the SCOFF questionnaire, 32.3% of the adolescents were classified
as presenting an Eating Disorder Risk.
Clinical differences were
found by sex, it was greater among
girls than boys. However, differences between
sex and rural/urban area were not statistically significant (see Table 3).
Risk of eating
disorder in the total number of adolescents |
Yes |
No |
% (IC 95%) |
% (IC 95%) |
Do you have
the feeling of being sick or because you feel so full that you feel
uncomfortable? |
21.5 (15.23-29.55) |
78.5(70.45-85.77) |
Are you worried because you feel you
have to control how much you eat? |
32.3(24.75-40.92) |
67.7(59.07-75.25) |
Have you
recently lost more than 6Kgs over a period of three months? |
28.5(21.29-36.92) |
71.5(63.08-78.71) |
Do you
think you are fat or even though others say you are too thin? |
15.4(10.08-22.76) |
84.61(77.24-89.91) |
Would you say that food
dominates your life? |
26.2(19.24-34.49) |
73.85(65.51-80.76) |
Risk of eating disorder (Total) |
32.3 (24.75- 40.92) |
67.7 (59.07- 75.25) |
Risk of Eating
Disorder by Sex |
Yes (%) |
No (%) P-value |
Mens |
34.9 |
65.1 0.353 |
Women |
27.0 |
72.9 |
Risk of Eating
Disorder by Geographic zone |
Yes (%) |
No (%) P-value |
Rural |
59.5 |
47.2 0.188 |
Urban |
40.5 |
52.8 |
Enero – Junio 2018
data reported in this study show that there are differences between geographic areas and nutri- tional status, food consumption,
physical activity and food disorders. Adolescents in rural areas have a
poorer diet according to Aguilar (2011). The bet-
ter nutritional status
among students from an urban area could be explained by the
higher cultural and socioeconomic level of the families
in these areas. Nutritional habits in humans
greatly condition their quality of life, in the case of adolescents or
children, these predispose the individual to long- term effects either as protective agents or as risk
factors of many pathologies especially obesity (Freire, 2013).
A lower percentage of adequacy can be seen in the normal intervals (90%-110%) with respect to the values
recommended by the National Institute of Medicine of the United States the
National Health and Nutrition Survey of Ecuador (Freire, 2013) They also reported an energy deficit of more than
200 kcal in
adolescents between 13 to 18 years. According to Berti (2014) the diet in the Central Andes region (Bolivia,
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), in
general terms lacks fat and energy. No statistically significant differences were found with regard to energy intake and sex, unlike other
investigations in adolescents (González-Jiménez ,
Velasco, 2009).
In Ecuador, the main source of protein
is rice, fol-
lowed by chicken and meat to a lesser extent. Ac- cording to ENSANUT-ECU (2013) around 6% of Ecuadorian
adolescents do not consume the pro- tein requirement per day. In this study a percent- age of protein adequacy of 70.04% was found. As
adolescents are constantly growing, their protein requirements increase.
A deficient consumption of protein can therefore contribute to inappropriate development
in adolescents resulting in for exam- ple a delay in sexual maturation,
reduction of lin- ear growth and decrease in muscle mass formation
Akseer (2017).
Akseer (2017) evaluated
the disability rate for protein-energy malnutrition in
many regions of the world. The lowest was in Europe
with less than 10 per 100,000
people and the highest was found in sub-Saharan Africa at approximately 150 per 100,000 people.
Latin America presented rates approximately 50 per 100,000 especially in men from 10 to
14 years old in 2015, a remarkable re- duction since 1990. In this
investigation height- age z-score was 1.89 (SD 2.09) which represents
a higher risk for adolescents living in rural areas. Excessive consumption of
carbohydrates is one of the causes of overweight
and obesity in Ecuador, especially since simple carbohydrates mainly from sugary
drinks, rice and white bread are consumed (ENSANUT-ECU, 2013). Zazpe
(2014) stated that the consumption of complex
carbohydrates is as- sociated with a better adaptation of micronutrients.
While simple carbohydrates contain less vitamins and minerals. That is, by reducing the consump-
tion of simple carbohydrates we are improving
the intake of micronutrients. Despite the many recom-
mendations on appropriate consumption of fruits and vegetables, a low
consumption among the ad- olescents in this study was found. Ochoa-Avilés (2014) showed low consumption of
fruit, vegeta- bles and fish in adolescents, while the consump- tion of processed products
with added sugar
refined grains constituted most of their diet Ochoa- Avilés
(2014). Daly (2017) found that 13-year-old children from rural areas consume less than one serving of fruit (0.60)
and vegetables (0.40) a day. While in
a study developed in 33 countries in Eu- rope
and North America
on the trend of consump- tion of fruit and vegetables in adolescents between
2002 and 2010,
Vereecken (2015) observed a sig-
nificant increase in consumption after the imple- mentation of national policies. at
the beginning of the year 2000 education and subsidy. Likewise,
in Finland or Switzerland, low prevalence of fruit consumption are maintained, while Spain or Italy show low
prevalence in the consumption of vege- tables.
Another of the factors
to evaluate within
a healthy lifestyle is physical activity, since sedentarism is a
predisposing factor for the appearance or worsen- ing of other cardiovascular
risk factors especially of obesity (Rivera,
2009). In this study there
were no adolescents with “active” or “very active”
levels of physical activity,
most being sedentary (58%). Encouraging the practice
of regular physical
activ- ity is very important.
Of the sixth grade students residing in a rural low income
areas, 79.2% were sedentary. However, this percentage was lower
than that found by Rivera (2010) (92.5%) in his study on adolescents in Brazil.
behaviour disorders are a complex patho- logical picture accentuated during
adolescence. Treatment requires
a multidisciplinary team where
the doctor, psychologist /
psychiatrist, nutritionist, dietitian and nurse must work together with the
adolescent and family. The prevalence of this con- dition has historically been higher
in the female population. However, in
our study sample these differences were not statistically significant. The SCOFF questionnaire which has been used in sev-
eral publications, including
the AVENA (Estecha,
conducted in adolescents in Spain, is an initial guide to the risk of eating
disorders that should be re-evaluated and applied by the respec- tive
of the population had low stature by age and 17.6% of risk of overweight
according to the BMI / age. The percentages of adequacy of macro-
nutrients in the entire population were low.
Statis- tically significant differences were found between the levels of physical activity of
adolescents in ur- ban areas (less activity)
compared to adolescents in rural areas (greater activity). 32.3% of the ad- olescents were classified as presenting
an Eating Disorder Risk. Differences between
sex and rural/ urban area were not statistically significant.
The authors
express no conflict of interest in the present work.
authors extend their appreciation to the stu- dents of the 5th semester of the Career
of Nutrition and Dietetics of
the Superior Polytechnic School of Chimborazo.
the “Capitan Edmundo Chiri-
boga “and” San Andres “ High Schools
for the re- ceptiveness and facilities for data collection and the” Vicente
Anda Aguirre “ High School. This project did not receive
any type of financing for its
realization. The authors
express no conflict of interest in the present work.
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